As you may already guess the service we offer is removing the locks on your precious Huawei modem.

We don’t offer our service for free, there is a small fee required of you to pay, but we guarantee you those will be the best few dollars ever spend. The unlocking solution of is the best way to unlock your Huawei device quickly and easily, all models are supported Skip to content Huawei Calculator Our online Huawei code calculator provides free Huawei unlock code, frp reset key, bootloader password and simlock code. We, at, love our customers and the last thing we would want is to lie to them. That’s exactly the reason why people don’t even notice these appealing words anymore because they are nothing but a big lie. Almost always those signs promote something that is far from free or not worth buying. By now we all know what the story behind the ‘FREE’ signs is. Here you can download Huawei modem unlocker tool for free to unlock Huawei modem very fast and easy whit your computer.